Dear working week

Dear Working Week

I know it’s been a while since we met but I don’t remember you being quite so intrusive into my actual life. The thing is I have quite a pile of books in various shapes and sizes that I would like to be reading rather than the infinite email trail you supply to me each morning. I also have a lot of quite nice music that I would like to listen to properly. By properly I mean I would like to listen to it clearly and loudly, rather than having to play it quietly in the background, turning it off when I answer the phone or missing bits when I go out of my office.

Furthermore, I’m not sure if you realise but five full days in a row is quite a long time to concentrate. For example, I would quite like it if it was Saturday today. Any chance you could do some kind of restructure to your organisation and put say, two days on two days off in place. I’m sure others would appreciate that. As you know restructures are all the rage these days, and making a few days redundant wouldn’t be that big of a deal. The other thing you might like to think about is making your days reapply for their positions. Monday, for example, has been performing unsatisfactorily for some time now. In private industry they would have had at least had to complete a performance review and improve themselves by now. This doesn’t seem to happen in a public organisation such as yours.

Anyway, working week, these are just some thoughts from one who has had a month to distance themselves from your operations, and now returns bright eyed, fresh faced and full of enthusiasm to make work a better place for everyone.

Kind regards



6 Responses to “Dear working week”

  1. Anonymous says:

    TOTALLY! xxx Kate

  2. Wendy says:

    i knew i wasn’t the only one!

  3. Emma says:

    Five days is a long time to concentrate…definitely wilting by Friday! Don’t you think work would be more productive if we had four days on and three off…at least!

  4. Wendy says:

    or even one day on and six days off? What about that for a fantastic idea??

  5. Emma says:

    now that’s just silly 😉

  6. Wendy says:

    silly? or so silly it might be absolutely genius!! 😉

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