A spot of millinery on a Monday

Many of you may be attending Melbourne Cup events tomorrow. With this in mind I thought I would share my last minute millinery tips with you. Firstly, you must find a hat. I think that any old hat will do. For instance this year I have chosen my second best gardening hat. I have had it for nearly ten years. It’s quite faded and green and has often been scrunched up or left in the car. It’s perfect for any occasion. Then you need some frills and fussy things to add to it. Try not to be stylish here. It’s a waste of time. Everyone knows the best hats are the ugly, weird looking ones (see for example Princess whatshername at the recent Royal Wedding). To decorate my hat I have chosen a silk scarf that I bought for 5 dollars in the throw out bin at Just Jeans last winter, and a big ugly fake red rose that may have come from diva. Whack it all together in five minutes and you’re set for any tacky work function that you may be attending.


4 Responses to “A spot of millinery on a Monday”

  1. Oh so true! You and I definitely style via the same millinery principles! 8)

  2. Wendy says:

    they are tried and true!

  3. And ummm…cost effective…. 😎

  4. 2paw says:

    Yes, I have used the same techniques for school too, but perhaps with glitter and maybe Lego!!

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