of dissatisfaction and acronyms

We are all still awaiting the appearance of our FCP (Final Change Proposal) for the new SEP (Single Enabling Program). In the meantime CaC (Campus Coordinators) continue to interview prospective students for next year even though in reality the CaCs may not be the Access Coordinators (ACs) in the brave new world of the SEP. Some of them may be Discipline Coordinators (DCs), Course Coordinators (CoCs) or even a Head of Programs (HoP) or Head of Services (HoS). So while we wait for the Vice Chancellor (VC) and the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Industry and Vocational Education and Training) (DVC Industry and VET) to make the final approvals on the FCP we trundle through each day, growing increasingly impatient with the shifting deadlines. Yesterday was the first day where I really wanted to walk out the door at work and never come back. That’s why I’m up and getting ready to go there today…I guess. Things are looking up though. On Thursday I will begin my annual Christmas Countdown in song on the Spiralling Shape. Hurrah!


4 Responses to “of dissatisfaction and acronyms”

  1. JInxster says:

    I was expecting to read about ALS, CLC, MLC and EOI somewhere in your post. IT is certainly taking them a long time to get the info to us so we will know who is doing what in term 1.

  2. Wendy says:

    we're just drowning in acronyms really aren't we 🙁

  3. 2paw says:

    All I can do is hum the RHG song from the Coodabeens. I know all their acronyms and nothing about football!! Maybe you have End of Term-itis??

  4. Wendy says:

    I think it might be end of year itis actually 🙂

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