I really like the vest

With winter weather sort of approaching here in regional Queensland it’s time to dig out the old winter woolies. A lot of the time it’s not actually cold enough for a coat with sleeves. Cue: vests.

My mother is a big fan of the sleeveless vest. She has many. She wears them often. Imagine my horror when recently I discovered that she was unaware of the Simpsons classic song: See my vest as sung by Mr Burns.

Now there are many astounding Simpsons songs: Who needs a Kwik-E-Mart (I doooo) and the Monorail song to name but two. But if I had to choose a favourite it would be the highly accomplished Beauty and the Best parody, See my vest (Be our Guest). Not only are the lyrics perfection but every time anyone mentions a vest (anyone=my mother) it gives me the chance start singing at the top of my lungs.

I’m sure this isn’t annoying to anyone at all.

And if anyone is looking for a PhD topic, the music of the Simpsons would be a corker. You’re welcome.


2 Responses to “I really like the vest”

  1. seanfish says:

    We have a uniform with a vest option at work. I love it, and work very hard to tell myself I look suave rather than like a waiter.

  2. Wendy Davis says:

    vests are definitely suave. definitely 🙂

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