it’s not “must see TV for me”

Mad Men…ummm. Still in undecided mode about this one. I’m just finding out all too cliched, predictable, and dare I say it, a little bit dull. But is that the point? If so, then I don’t think it’s very clever. If not, well then it’s just not very good. So far though, it’s not “must see TV for me”. Will it slowly grow on me? If so, it’s hiding it’s potential very cleverly.

To more important business however, Stewart was SENT HOME by Sammy, after Tiffany TOOK THE MOTHER OF ALL WALKS (and yes that’s a direct quote), chose to take Sammy’s double bracelet, and then GIVE SAMMY the briefcase, in which was a NOTE telling SAMMY she had an HOUR to send another CONTESTANT HOME. Everyone thought it would be SHARIF, but SAMMY made her decision with her HEART rather than her HEAD. SO Sharif is still IN THE GAME. And then there were FOUR, plus the TWO on the LOSER ISLAND who had to climb to the summit of a mountain, where the COMMANDO left them. POOR BOB nearly died on the way up, but he MADE IT. YAY BOB. We haven’t seen them WEIGHED forever. WILL THAT BE TONIGHT please??

Oh…I’m writing about The Biggest Loser by the way.

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