Posts in this category
Title Date Published Excerpt
The grey half-light of 5am April 11, 2010

Dearest Monday It’s been some time since our last communication so I thought I would take this opportunity to write. I hope you don’t mind but I am going to provide you with a little constructive criticism. Please take it in the spirit in which it is intended. That is, get your freaking act together […]

The world sends me a wake up call February 4, 2010

Yesterday it seemed like the world sent me a wake up call. As I mentioned in the post below there’s been a bit of whining about work this week. It was all trivial, self-indulgent whining. Poor me, I’m so busy, this job is boring, I hate answering the phone, I’m sick of marking these testings […]

The world sends me a wake up call

Yesterday it seemed like the world sent me a wake up call. As I mentioned in the post below there’s been a bit of whining about work this week. It was all trivial, self-indulgent whining. Poor me, I’m so busy, this job is boring, I hate answering the phone, I’m sick of marking these testings […]

Hey Monday..What’s Happening? January 31, 2010

Hey MondayWhat’s happening? I’d just like to congratulate you on your pleasant start to the day. It’s not stinking hot and humid like ALL OF LAST WEEK. Instead, you bring me lots of rain, lovely rain. You are reviving my poor plants in the garden and making my lawn green again. For that I thank […]

Hey Monday..What’s Happening?

Hey MondayWhat’s happening? I’d just like to congratulate you on your pleasant start to the day. It’s not stinking hot and humid like ALL OF LAST WEEK. Instead, you bring me lots of rain, lovely rain. You are reviving my poor plants in the garden and making my lawn green again. For that I thank […]

Dear unnamed electricity provider December 29, 2009

Dear unnamed electricity provider Thank you for you kind letter advising me how much I owe you by the 18 January. It’s very timely, considering I have just finished spending myself stupid on Christmas gifts for others and myself. Never fear however, I will pay you on time. However, if I may, I would like […]

Dear unnamed electricity provider

Dear unnamed electricity provider Thank you for you kind letter advising me how much I owe you by the 18 January. It’s very timely, considering I have just finished spending myself stupid on Christmas gifts for others and myself. Never fear however, I will pay you on time. However, if I may, I would like […]

Dear working week December 1, 2009

Dear Working Week I know it’s been a while since we met but I don’t remember you being quite so intrusive into my actual life. The thing is I have quite a pile of books in various shapes and sizes that I would like to be reading rather than the infinite email trail you supply […]

Dear working week

Dear Working Week I know it’s been a while since we met but I don’t remember you being quite so intrusive into my actual life. The thing is I have quite a pile of books in various shapes and sizes that I would like to be reading rather than the infinite email trail you supply […]