is it a circus…no it’s a dream sequence

Rehearsal was interesting this afternoon…most of the time was spent on the “dream sequence”. Interesting because I have been rewatching the documentary on Broadway: The American Musical and they had comments from Agnes B De Mille who choreographed the original Oklahoma Broadway production’s dream sequence. She said originally Laurey’s dream was set to be in a circus! Thanks goodness they changed it after her questioning of Rodgers and Hammerstein. It also goes on for 15-20 minutes in the original show. With the modern audience in mind, our insightful directors have chosen to cut it down to around 5 minutes. Quite frankly dream sequences like this usually make me want to run screaming from the room, but i think i can manage to survive the five minutes or so that we’re keeping. Lyne, our choreographer, has done a great job to focus on the drama and the story, and because I have to be on my toes to play the music, I’ve got something to keep me occupied for the duration.

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