maybe it’s karma

It was f-f-f-f-f-freezing at rehearsal last night. I know I’ve whined a lot about the temperature at the theatre, but really last night it got to the point where I really wanted to wrap myself in a blanket like a little old granny. It was a long rehearsal too. We’re getting to the stage of running the show through. And even though there were lots of people away for various reasons this is what happened last night. We did Act 2 and then at a about quarter past nine started on Act 1. Act 1 is the monster act – song after song after song, including the dream sequence at the end. When 10:20 arrived and we were only about two thirds of the way through I upped and left. Leanne could play. So I’m wondering what time they decided to finish.

My punishment for this piking out however, was all the hot water had been used up by the time I arrived home. So I couldn’t get warm under the drizzly cool shower. If I’d stayed at practice longer then the water might have warmed up again.
These are the choices we make I guess. Or maybe it’s karma….


4 Responses to “maybe it’s karma”

  1. lucy says:

    Rehearsal ended up finishing about 11pm! Totally ridiculous! I didn’t realise the time otherwise I would have upped and left too! I’m telling Leanne I’m leaving at 10 on Thursday – walking out!

    No hot water HA…you’ll have to remember that next time…what did I say about shirking the work!?

  2. Wendy says:

    ELEVEN!!!!that’s crazy times!

    it’s ok for the people who don’t have to go to work – and concentrate…

    But you’re right…it’s an important lesson for me…(probably ten more minutes and there would have been some water!)

  3. jinxster says:

    FInishing at 11pm what about staying awake until 1am with all those songs going through your head. And now I have a headache so not good!!!

  4. lucy says:

    Oh yes those songs…this wouldn’t be a problem if we finished on time!! The songs wouldn’t be in your head, you wouldn’t have a headache and everyone would be happier….We should all walk out at 10 on Thursday!

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