View from the pit

It was a fairly light afternoon at rehearsal today for me. We worked over Farmer and the Cowman again – revising what was blocked on Thurday night. Following that there is a long section of dialogue (the auction) which meant no music and I could have a pleasant sit down and watch the proceedings. Up until now the orchestra pit has been covered over but I get the feeling it’s only a matter of time until the covers come off and I am banished to the depths of the theatre (in crazy phantom of the opera style) instead of being up in the auditorium with everyone else. The pit has the real piano which is much nicer to play but it makes it very hard to see what’s happening on stage. And the view from the pit is just a lot of dancing feet.


2 Responses to “View from the pit”

  1. jinxster says:

    As a performer in the show I hope I can see you !!!! The exchange of glances over comments made during rehearsals makes the rehearsals quite interesting. However with all the other musos joining you it could be mayhem down there. And then there is always the lollies you orchestra people munch on. Oh so jealous!

  2. Wendy says:

    I’ll work hard on raising my eyebrows…maybe you’ll be able to see that!
    ooooo…the lollies…I’d forgotten about that! maybe we’ll throw one at you

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