free, free, free

In spite of many and varied forms of procrastination (some of it occurring through this blog – Nigel Kennedy playing the Doctor Who theme I’m looking at you) I have finished my marking for the term.


Just got to finalise the marks spreadsheet and send it away to the course coordinator and then I am free, free, free. What a great feeling.

What will I do now?

Well tomorrow morning I am going to sit down and write a big list of things I want to get done over the non-teaching term. I imagine most of them will be focussed around a little thing called THE BOOK.


8 Responses to “free, free, free”

  1. Catriona says:

    This will probably make me sound like an unpleasant person, but I am thoroughly jealous. I have fifty assignments sitting on my desk as I type, and that’s only the third-last lot: I still have the final assessment for my second years (one class) and the final exam for my first years (three classes).


    I wish I’d finished my marking.

    But enjoy the non-teaching term!

  2. Wendy says:

    aaagh…that sounds like the stuff of nightmares with so much still to go…quite a marathon of marking.

    Mine is quite tedious but I am onlly teaching two classes…and it’s a group project so not nearly so taxing as marking essays

  3. Catriona says:

    My classes are in academic and professional writing (I’m in one of those odd situations where I teach in an entirely different discipline to the one in which I research), so there are three pieces of assessment for one and five for the other.

    It’s great for the students, because they get almost constant feedback on their writing process. But, though few of them are long pieces, it does make for a huge accumulation of marking.

  4. Wendy says:

    i’m in a similar odd situation, teaching in a preparatory/bridging program – all skills based – oral presentations, group tasks, research skills etc. It’s all fairly straightforward though.

    Five assessment pieces sounds a lot…I imagine that’s pretty constant marking throughout the term.

  5. Catriona says:

    I taught academic research methods for about eighteen months at the end of my Masters/before the Ph.D., for third years and grad. students. I actually really enjoyed it; there was a concreteness to the work that was satisfying, and nothing has improved my own research techniques more than teaching those courses.

    I do rather miss teaching lit. courses, though.

    The marking in this course is pretty constant up until about week eleven, and then a short break until the exam. The only problem is when the exam is early in the exam period or, as in last semester, when the exam comes right at the end: last semester was seventy-odd exams to be turned around in three days. I don’t want to do that again.

  6. Wendy says:

    yes I have found that too even at the bridging level – there’s nothing like teaching a particular skill to also improve our own

    I’d love to be teaching some tv/cultural studies again though…sadly not much opportunity for that here

    70 exams in three days…that’s a lot of exams per day!

  7. Catriona says:

    It was a lot of exams a day, but that was a one-off nightmare, because the exam fell on the last day of the exam period.

    Actually, I haven’t heard when the exam is this semester. Maybe I’m jinxing myself . . .

  8. Wendy says:

    All right then I’ve got my fingers crossed for you!!

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