"guys with cats…I don’t know": Seinfeld Series 1, Episode 5

The Stock Tip is the finale (or perhaps that’s too grand a term) for Series 1. Once again you can feel David and Seinfeld finding their comedy writing feet. And once again there are a number of foreshadowing topics and characterisations for future series, including George’s homophobia, Jerry’s Superman obsession, Kramer’s crazy money-making schemes and Elaine’s bad luck with pets. There’s also a lot more of the “show about nothing” incidental discussions and conversations in this episode – including Jerry’s argument with a drycleaner, Elaine’s allergies to her boyfriend’s cats, and her tale of dropping a grape on the floor. The two central storylines are George’s stock tip that he convinces Jerry to buy into, and Jerry’s weekend trip away with Vanessa (the girl from The Stake-Out).

After a detailed conversation between Jerry and George in the diner as to whether Superman would have a “super” sense of humour, Elaine appears in a surprising fringed jacket (clearly they hadn’t decided on her “look” as yet) to discuss her boyfriend’s cats. It’s much more in character in the next few series where she does the jackets/brooches, skirts and shoes and socks. George, “guys with cats…I don’t know” signals his suspicious attitude towards males who break his idea of the “normal”. (This is nicely reinforced in the first episode of Series 2 whereupon George insists that Elaine sits between Jerry and himself in the car because: “It doesn’t look good….guy, guy, girl). Here in the diner Jerry also raises his idea of taking Vanessa away for the weekend. George pooh-poohs this too: “It’s a dating decathlon”.

A little chit-chat between Jerry and Vanessa in the grocery store where he persuades to come on the trip to Vermont because it will be great for the relationship, like “6 months of dating in 3 days”. Gee…do you really think that’s a good idea Jerry?

George has convinced Jerry to buy into the stock. In the apartment Kramer takes great delight in informing Jerry that the stock has slid again. He also informs us of his latest scheme – a “roll-out tie dispenser”. Details are hazy but it seems that it’s something men wear and then if their tie gets food on it that can rip it off and roll out another one without going home. Hmmmm…the make your own pizza pie was better…I can see why we didn’t hear of the tie dispenser in future episodes.

An incidental scene in the drycleaners (where Jerry succeeds in getting the drycleaner to admit responsibility for his shrunken shirt) and then back to the apartment where Elaine is still sneezing with her cat allergy, wondering what it would take to “hire a hitman to take out a couple of cats”. (Sadly, Newman has not yet appeared to save the day as he does when in a later episode Elaine is tormented by a dog.)

Once again Kramer is gleeful that the stock is down. George has been to see the company owner at the hospital to try and find out what is happening with the stock. He gets nowhere but we get to see dejected, loser George (he who will delight us in so many future episodes).

Then the Vermont weekend in the lounge of the B and B. Needless to say things go badly…conversation between Jerry and Vanessa is stilted and boring about sneakers and perfume. Did anyone say “bad idea”?

Jerry gets out of the stock, but George hangs in and it goes up. The final scene with George cigar in hand at the diner treating Jerry and Elaine to dinner, gloating and triumphant is delightful. Elaine lost her boyfriend…it was the cats or her and he chose the cats. And when George tips the waitress and then has second thoughts and takes back one of the bills….his meanness which we grow to love is on display for all to see.

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