Suddenly the SBS News became very very fascinating

It was a BIG night on the BIGGEST LOSER with all the eliminated contestants competing for one of the four white TSHIRTS that would get them into the WILDCARD WEIGHIN with the two BIGGEST LOSERS getting back into CAMP Biggest Loser. Complicated. YES. In the time it took Ajay to explain the rules of this temptation I did all the dishes. Time well spent. I’m just observing. Last night the first shirt was up for grabs in a temptation based on a children’s party theme. There was a JUMPY Castle. And presents. They had to running race to get their hands on one of the six presents. One had a white shirt in it, another a GO HOME card, and then various other things in the other four, ranging from chocolate crackles to a trek to Vietnam. Jodi/Jeda (not sure on who is who here out of these two) won the white shirt. She was PRETTY HAPPY. Poor green Ben got the GO HOME card. Poor Ben was sad, yet philosophical. Sean, strangely, “chose not to run” (Seinfeld reference there people: “I choose not to run”). Oh and Emazon reappeared with some lame excuse for getting the black final four to do some cage fighting. Was this a little bit tasteless or is that just me? And yes, I realise the ridiculousness of this question when we are talking about The Biggest Loser more generally. All things in context.

And then Spicks and Specks with some half decent guests at last. Steve Coogan and another English comedian whose name I can’t remember but he was funny as well. And the singer from Madness. I actually laughed out loud at certain points so that was a good sign. I tried with Lawrence Leung’s Rubik’s Cube challenge but couldn’t stomach (HA!) the sword swallower, especially when he informed us he was going to hang some weights on wire from his eye sockets. Suddenly the SBS News and Weather became very, very fascinating.


7 Responses to “Suddenly the SBS News became very very fascinating”

  1. Sue says:

    Why did they go to all the trouble of renting and inflating jumping castles and then not including them somehow in the immunity challenge. It would have been much more interesting to see some of the contestants bouncing on them… 🙂

  2. Wendy says:

    yes I agree…looked like it could have been fun and then just stood there as decoration!

  3. Catriona says:

    The other English comedian was Stephen K. Amos: he’s often on these shows (Good News Week, too, I seem to recall) and does a great deal of stand up in Australia–I love him.

    Was fabulous to see Suggs, though: he was much funnier than I thought he’d be.

  4. 2paw says:

    S&S was very good last night. I laughed out loud too. I think it is the calibre of the guests. I recorded LLCYOA(sic) to see David, Margaret and Kerry, though I may just have the wrong episode!!

  5. Wendy says:

    no David, Margaret and Kerry were on there too…just fastforward through the gross parts if you’re a wuss like me!

    STephen K. Amos…I knew there was K somewhere. He is good value on a panel and very funny, although I haven’t seen him on GNW. But that’s because I don’t watch it. The calibre of the guests does make all the difference. I so enjoyed the clip at the end as well of the ABBA medley. What a treat!

  6. Andrew says:

    I thought it would have been great to see all the contestants in the jumpy castle to start the race and see them all trying to get out as one big mass.

  7. Wendy says:

    yes that would have been much more interesting to look at!

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