surely reality couldn’t be rigged?

SAD for me I only caught the last 10 minutes of The BIGGEST LOSER last night. Really, though it was all I needed to see as TIFFANY won the Escalator CHALLENGE and won the POWER OF THE WALK. This apparently, is a walk that will CHANGE THE GAME FOREVER. Gee…haven’t heard that before. Looks like something to do with a briefcase. COULD IT HAVE MONEY IN IT. Tune in tonight to find out! The bigger QUESTION is why did Stewart concede the CHALLENGE when he didn’t even seem to be PUFFING. Hmmmmm…..surely reality couldn’t be rigged in any way shape or form. Please do not disillusion me BIGGEST LOSER.

Spicks and Specks a little bit dull in comparison to the previous week, except for that Spooky Male Voice Choir. They were very enjoyable! I was a little bit distracted while viewing however, making my “Things to do” list for the Eisteddfod. It is a big list divided into three columns: this week, next week, next weekend. Pleasingly, I have already been able to cross some things off it this morning. Once I have a list, I’m set! Because, who doesn’t love ticking things off a list?

Then the unmentionable and unwatchable ABC program about advertising for which I turned off the TV.

And then Lawrence Leung. I didn’t enjoy this one as much as previous weeks either. What is going on? Am I in a bad mood? There was too much of the John Safrans about his setups for me. Overdone, overcooked, over the top, over it. Regain your natural, naive innocence that I so liked in the first couple of episodes dear Lawrence…please. Final episode next week apparently. It seems I am fickle in my fandom for Lawrence’s comedy. Disappointing.

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