Seasonally inappropriate formal wear

Preparations for Trip to the Big City:
1. Paint finger and toe nails
2. Pack all makeup, hairdryer, straightener and associated hair products
3. Dress
4. Strappy Shoes and toeless stockings (surely the invention of the century)
5. Three wraps in different weights
6. Extra black coat bought yesterday for the event of wraps failing to provide required warmth.
7. iPhone (yay!)
8. Pillow (because motel pillows are awful)
9. Pack Warm clothes for when not wearing seasonally inappropriate formal wear.
10. Camera
11. Mentally steel self for roadtrip with family and grandmother.
12. Set recorder for Torchwood and New Tricks

Tales of the city to follow on Sunday evening. There may be photos if you are all very good.


6 Responses to “Seasonally inappropriate formal wear”

  1. Anonymous says:

    come on woman, get a hurry on I want photos!!!!

  2. Wendy says:

    Soon soon dear anonymous. Have only just arrived home!

  3. Emma says:

    what are you thoughts on torchwood?

  4. Wendy says:

    thoughts on torchwood? i am only watching it for the first time round (and am yet to catch up on last week's episode) but I am enjoying it so far. Catriona at Circulating Library is my acknowledged expert and answerer of all torchwood questions.
    But I am enjoying it so far – adventure, scifi, touch of the comic..good.

  5. Emma says:

    What about in comparison to Doctor Who? Still like that more? It's just that you have come in late to Torchwood and wondered how it compared. I was the other way having watched Torchwood but not the recent Doctor episodes.

  6. Wendy says:

    well i like them both for different reasons. the doctor for its travelling to faraway alien lands in contrast to torchwood being based on earth. i also like that torchwood doesn't feel the need to explain everything – that some things can remain mysterious. And I also like the group dynamic. BUt then i also like the doctor-companion thing as well.
    So they're different but one isn't better than the other (yet anyway!)

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