Christmas Countdown day 12

Legends all.


5 Responses to “Christmas Countdown day 12”

  1. 2paw says:

    People pooh-pooh middle of the road singers but I like John Denver’s music and singing. I can always sing along and you can hear and understand all the words. This is important to me!! An who doesn’t love The Muppets, even if Fox thinks they are subversive. It makes me like them even more.

  2. 2paw says:

    I forgot to say I love the bemused look on his face!!

  3. Wendy says:

    I can’t imagine anyone not loving the Muppets! I was brought up listening to John Denver. I don’t think it did me any harm at all 🙂

  4. Lindy says:

    Thanks Wendy. I’m loving your Countdown:)
    This is my favorite so far.

  5. Wendy says:

    Hi Lindy!
    Glad you are enjoying the christmassy-ness 🙂

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