Posts in this category
Title Date Published Excerpt
Dear Weekend July 2, 2010

Dear WeekendToday is Friday which means that you are not far away. Let us cast our minds back to your previous visit about 7 days ago. I did not particularly enjoy your arrival with a monster headache that lasted until Monday morning. I mean, really, what on earth was that all about? I had worked […]

just a little tweeting every so often June 15, 2010

This is my first officially sanctioned working from day. How exciting. I have delighted in the lack of phone calls, email tinging, people arriving at my office door unexpectedly and so on. I have also delighted in the amount of work I got through this morning…some things had been sitting waiting for a spare moment […]

just a little tweeting every so often

This is my first officially sanctioned working from day. How exciting. I have delighted in the lack of phone calls, email tinging, people arriving at my office door unexpectedly and so on. I have also delighted in the amount of work I got through this morning…some things had been sitting waiting for a spare moment […]

Saturday shopping and other things June 5, 2010

So today was Saturday. Hurrah. I slept in until 6:45 and then jumped out of bed, raced through the shower, dressed, drove to pick up my mum and sister and by 7:30 we were relaxing for breakfast downtown at Indulge. Mmmmm. Poached eggs. Coffee. Then it was straight back to parents’ place to drop my […]

Saturday shopping and other things

So today was Saturday. Hurrah. I slept in until 6:45 and then jumped out of bed, raced through the shower, dressed, drove to pick up my mum and sister and by 7:30 we were relaxing for breakfast downtown at Indulge. Mmmmm. Poached eggs. Coffee. Then it was straight back to parents’ place to drop my […]

A distinct lack of trumpet fanfare June 1, 2010

Well today finally the first of June arrived. It was a lovely day weather wise, although distinctly underwhelming in many other ways. There were the usual pernickety emails, the students – prospective, past and current – wanting various forms of assistance. For Day One of the Research Fellowship there was no trumpet fanfare, procession, cake, […]

A distinct lack of trumpet fanfare

Well today finally the first of June arrived. It was a lovely day weather wise, although distinctly underwhelming in many other ways. There were the usual pernickety emails, the students – prospective, past and current – wanting various forms of assistance. For Day One of the Research Fellowship there was no trumpet fanfare, procession, cake, […]

Every blog reader wins a prize May 26, 2010

What to do, what to do, what to do? It’s the regional show holiday here today. Last show holiday my parents and I did a garden makeover in my front yard. Today, I am feeling less energetic. Although I have been for my morning walk. Here’s some things I could and probably should do today1. […]

Every blog reader wins a prize

What to do, what to do, what to do? It’s the regional show holiday here today. Last show holiday my parents and I did a garden makeover in my front yard. Today, I am feeling less energetic. Although I have been for my morning walk. Here’s some things I could and probably should do today1. […]

With apologies to the Gershwin brothers May 22, 2010

Today is Sunday – the traditional day of rest. But not for me (apologies Gershwin brothers). I shall be sitting at the kitchen table surrounded by portfolios of student work, marking something called The Group Oral Presentation. Oh yes. Nothing as interesting as an essay. The marking of the Group Oral Presentation has four parts. […]