Here’s part of an email I received today:
Hi Wendy,
My name is (“name removed for privacy reasons”) and I am a producer at TODAY – WEEKEND EDITION with the Nine Network.
This weekend will be the 20th anniversary since Seinfeld debuted and I understand you are the press contact regarding this.
I would love to chat to you about this as soon as possible.
I am not, and never have been a press contact for anything, let alone the 20th anniversary of Seinfeld (although that sounds like a pretty fun job and one that I would like). I rang the producer back and explained this to her. Apparently my contacts appear on some events list that the media has access to saying that I am officially connected to the 20th anniversary of Seinfeld in some way. What a little bit of blogging leads to! I offered to send her my blog address. I think she was hoping for press releases.
It was a bizarro moment in an otherwise very ordinary day. For a moment there, I was almost important.
That is what I call a missed opportunity. Think of the havoc you could have wreaked and the joy of watching it unfold on the telly on the weekend.
I'm thinking about it now….and kicking myself 🙂
Kramergate perhaps?
DO you know Jerry? Please intro me to him…. Man you know all te right people
yes i'm very special 😉