Wendy gets into the Christmas Spirit: Tardis Stakeout

Ok, so it’s a really bad photo because like a secret crimefighter on a stakeout I had to glide by this house in my car and quickly snap an iPhone picture, but here is a family with true commitment to the Christmas spirit. For weeks I have been driving past watching them build this life size Tardis and an excellent Dalek in their garage. Sadly, everytime I did drive by they were either working on it, or out in the yard, so I didn’t want to stop like a scary Doctor Who stalker and take a picture. But this evening on my way home from my parents’ place, the Tardis was out on the trailer and there was no-one around. So TA-DA!
I don’t think I’m Torchwood material however. The stress of taking this photo undetected was quite enough for me. Fighting aliens I shall leave to the experts.


3 Responses to “Wendy gets into the Christmas Spirit: Tardis Stakeout”

  1. 2paw says:

    OMG!! You are indeed worthy of Torchwood status!! How fantastic!!!

  2. Rocketpilot says:

    That is completely awesome. I'm still amazed by how big my favourite TV show is again.

  3. Wendy says:

    it is awesome isn't it! I will be trying for a photo of the Dalek if I can as well! 🙂

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