Such slothful chillaxin’

Could this be the best Monday of the year? It’s like getting a do-over for Sunday which is nice because I spent Sunday finishing my marking. So as far as Sundays go it was a bit of a bust.

This was a good thing though, because it means I don’t have to do any today so I am free as a bird. This would be the kind of bird who intends to eat a bit more chocolate, read, watch dvds, sleep and just generally laze about. In between those fascinating activities I shall be doing my washing and having a bit of a tidy up.

I am tossing up between watching The Darjeeling Limited and Fargo. I own both of these and have never watched them. Ever. If I got started now I suppose I could watch them both. Now, there is a radical thought. Two movies in one day. Heavens to Betsy what is the world coming to? Such slothful chillaxin’. I don’t know if I can cope. Best go and do something a little bit productive first. Washing up, or sorting the dirty clothes, or perhaps run the vacuum through the house.

Or perhaps not….


6 Responses to “Such slothful chillaxin’”

  1. Andy says:

    Go with Fargo – you cant beat the Coen bros

  2. Wendy says:

    Actually went with Darjeeling Ltd…very sweet and atmospheric. I am a bit off the Coens after the disaster of Burn After Reading. But Fargo was a long time ago. It's next on the list now. 🙂

  3. 2paw says:

    I was voting for Fargo too. It is very amusing in a not so obvious way and I love Frances McD's acccent. Hope you had a wonderfully luxuriant day!! Does Darjeeling have a Wilson?? I am not so enamoured with the Wilsons.

  4. Wendy says:

    Well I must really make time for Fargo this week then I think. Yes the Darjeeling has a Wilson of the Owen Variety. He was actually good. It also has Adrien Brody who I like from The Pianist. And a cameo by Angelica Huston and Bill Murray. I have tried other Wes Anderson films movie but they have always left me quite bored (The Life Aquatic, The Royal Tenebaums). This one was much nicer.

  5. Emma says:

    Glad to know that I was part of your “bust” Sunday

  6. Wendy says:

    I think you were post the “bust”….didn't think you would want me to name names!

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