sheet music from days of yore

The great spring clean/operation recuperation of 2010 continues. I am doing very little but my parents are working like trojans. Their mission in life, which it seems they have chosen to accept, is to clean every inch of my house whether it needs it or not. And this morning I am sitting quietly waiting for a man to arrive to clean my windows and wooden blinds. My contribution has been the sitting down jobs, mainly involving cleaning out my music cupboard which was an unmitigated disaster. I could never find anything. While going through the music on Monday I found the following lovely sheet music from days of yore.


5 Responses to “sheet music from days of yore”

  1. 2paw says:

    Happy Spring Cleaning!! Your mum and dad are very kind!!
    Wow, that’ some quite old music you have there. It looks fabulous in your photos.

  2. wow, what a wonderful treasure trove!
    Can I borrow your parents when they are done? I have a study and a spare room they could probably work wonders with.

  3. Wendy says:

    yes I am very fortunate with my parents…they love to clean…and I am relatively messy with things like organisation. Mum adores putting things in alphabetical order etc. And this weekend my father is going to paint my front door! Very exciting. 🙂

  4. Mione says:

    ooo.. I think my mum has the same copy of the Chopsticks Waltz. One of our favourite duets!

  5. Wendy says:

    it’s definitely a classic isn’t it 🙂

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