Up and down

It’s coming up to Easter which means one thing in the land of choral singing round these parts. That’s right…the Queensland Eisteddfod which this year is being held in Maryborough. So, for the Bundaberg Orpheus Singers is just down the road. We are entering the Sacred Choral and Madrigal section where the classic little ditty above is the set piece. I love it. It’s fun too because being unaccompanied I get to sing and I have chosen to sit with the tenors. It’s high in their range and low for me.

Our own choice is Rest Sweet Nymphs which is very beautiful also. Enjoy.


5 Responses to “Up and down”

  1. Emma says:

    Thank you Wendy…it was lovely to listen to them!

  2. 2paw says:

    I so enjoyed listening to these songs. What a bonus you will be able to join in!!

  3. jinxster says:

    very nice !!

  4. Wendy says:

    we don’t quite sound that good yet but we’re definitely improving!

  5. Great choice, I’m sure you will sounds wonderful. Beautiful pieces to listen to.

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