Dear iPhone

Dear iPhone
Firstly, I would like to thank you for your many months of trusty morning alarm/wake-up service. I rely on you to disturb me from my slumber, and keep disturbing me as I lazily press snooze, until I actually manage to get out of bed and put my feet on the floor. Without you I would be late more often than not. However, this morning I think can both agree that there was a repeat of an unpleasant incident regarding the end of daylight saving where somehow you took it upon yourself to wake me an hour earlier than usual. I thought we had solved this problem but upon checking your settings you seemed to have strayed off Brisbane time. So as “Piano Riff” blared into my shadowy bedroom, I stirred from a dream thinking…”goodness the mornings are closing in”…but no! It was only 5:40am, even though your time said it was 6:40am. So in the nearly dark I pressed a few buttons and reset you back to Queensland time. And then I lay awake for an hour, trying to go back to sleep. It didn’t work.
Don’t do it again
Kind regards


5 Responses to “Dear iPhone”

  1. 2paw says:

    Why can't the behind The Scene button pushers get it right?? It plays havoc with the EPGs too. You should be least affected, you don;t even have DLS!!

  2. I think there was an upsurge in the sales of old fashioned alarm clocks today by disgruntled i-phone owners who were either woken an hour early, or an hour late but not on time!
    Isn't technology fun!

  3. Wendy says:

    I love technology most of the time…but I wasn't that fond of it early this morning 🙂

  4. 2paw says:

    The iPhone is less likely to wake you up than a Labrador puppy. I am on new Standard time, and she is still 'set' to DLS, so she wakes us up and hour early.

  5. Wendy says:

    a puppy sounds like more fun than an iPhone 🙂

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