Boxing Day ennui

Usually, living here in the “sticks” Boxing Day is marginally less boring than Good Friday, because at least on Boxing Day you usually have a new book or movie to watch, lollies to eat, etc. I say this to remind those of you who live in our great cities, that normally no shops open on Boxing Day in the backwater of Bundaberg. But today, by some chance Christmas miracle to do with gazetted and non-gazetted public holidays the shops are open. Before Christmas I thought, hmm,sounds exciting, might go check out the sales. This morning upon awakening at 8am I can think of nothing worse than to venture anywhere near one of our fine shopping centres.

So here’s some things I could today instead:
Washing and associated activities (Ironing, putting away clothes etc)
Weeding the Garden
Mowing the Lawn
Tidying up my music cupboard and music room.
Clean my venetian blinds
Other various household related activities

Here’s why I won’t be doing any of the above. They all require either
(a) effort
(b) manual labour
(c) going outside into the delightful hot day
(d)some or all of the above

Here are some things I may choose to do:
Listen to music
Read a book and/or books
Watch television and/or a DVD
Faff about on the Internet
Play the piano
Eat…lollies and normal food as well
Stare vacantly into space recovering from the exhaustion that was Christmas day

A much better list I’m sure you will all agree


2 Responses to “Boxing Day ennui”

  1. 2paw says:

    We has a slightly warm but very bearable day, thank you!! How kind of you to think I am nice, I had three uncharitable thoughts the other week.
    I faff about doing things as well, isn't it a good word?? I tried to sleep in (Gilly = no sleep in) then made 58 pages of my photobook and now I am semi-watching the West Side Story episode of Hamish MacBeth that isn't in some boxed sets because of copyright.
    Sounds like you are having the perfect Boxing Day. I didn't go tao any sales, did you???

  2. Wendy says:

    I'm loving the word “faff” lately…so very descriptive. I also I am trying to popularise “fanflippingtastic” and “bazinga”. I'm not having a lot of success so far.
    I have seen that Hamish MacBeth episode…I think it is on my DVDs. quite unusual but I enjoyed it.
    I stayed far away from the shops. Well as far away as my house is from shops which isn't all that far. And I did all the things on my third list at some point. I also had a visit from a friend for some chit chat which was nice.

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