Note that I am not the one in the tiara

I have sadly neglected my blog over the last week. Some of you may be wondering – did Wendy survive her return to work? The answer to that fascinating question is yes, but she had a number of moments where she alternatively wanted to scream, cry, and indeed laugh for all manner of reasons. It’s a challenge to be away for four weeks doing absolutely nothing and then return as if nothing has changed. Because, in fact lots of things have for me at least. Some of the emotional rollercoasterishness can apparently be explained by my hormones. As my lovely GP explained to me yesterday, they will be “all over the place” for a while until things settle down.(i.e. my body gets used to having only one ovary instead of two).

Still, this week was cheered considerably by my birthday on Wednesday and the Jinxster’s birthday on Thursday. As always, we celebrated with lots of eating. Wednesday night I went out for Chinese and had mini chocolate cakes with my family. Thursday saw the traditional Libran lunch ( our numbers have dwindled to two so we encouraged a ring in in the form of Sue…she bought us presents!). We Indulged as is the tradition. Last night we went to Restaurant 55 where we gorged ourselves on beautiful food. For your information and enjoyment I had the herbed rack of lamb followed by Zuccotto (sort of tiramusu meets chocolate something..mmm). There was also champagne! And today we have had our work morning tea which was cake cake and more cake. I think I may have had enough cake now.

For your further enjoyment see our happy smiling cake cutting photo:

Note that I am not the one in the tiara.


2 Responses to “Note that I am not the one in the tiara”

  1. 2paw says:

    Happy Birthday you Librans. Maybe you are not wearing he tiara because you have a crown and don;t want to outshine the others???

  2. Wendy says:

    maybe they are frightened of that big knife I'm holding!
    We had a lovely birthday!

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