Exciting times in the ‘berg today as there is a slight chill in the air. That’s right people. Winter is here.
I just checked the weather forecast and this is what it looks like.
Yes that’s correct. Your eyes do not deceive you. We have made it past midday without reaching 20 degrees. But look more closely! Tonight it is forecast to be 8! We all know what that means. Yes I can get out my semi-winter pjs (long pants and t shirt top) for the next three nights. It also means that it’s nice to drink hot beverages to warm my hands.
And, wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles…I’m wearing an actual coat. Thank you North Face shop in Edinburgh.
I’m aware it’s not the most fashionable attire. But it is cosy with a light fleeciness on the inside. And it’s Sunday and I’m not planning on leaving the house.